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Meet the Team at Superior Chiropractic & Rehab

Get to Know Us


Eva Lundahl, Intern

Eva Lundahl is currently an intern at Superior Chiropractic & Rehab, where she is gaining hands-on experience under Dr. Polen in chiropractic, athletic training, and physical therapy. A fourth-year student at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, majoring in Exercise Science and minoring in sports psychology and nutrition. Eva has a strong interest in nutrition and weightlifting. In her free time, Eva enjoys reading and making coffee.


Alexis Allen, Intern

Alexis Allen is a senior at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville studying exercise science! In her free time, she enjoys crafting and shopping. Alexis has an interest in exercise physiology and fitness nursing.

Meet the Team at Superior Chiropractic & Rehab | (618) 844-1993